Newcastle, NSW, Australia
I’m a former industrial chemist, and after deciding on a career change while at home with my two young children, I’m now a qualified pastry chef and cake decorating enthusiast. In 2009 I started taking some classes in cake decorating and other pastry-related cookery, and taught myself many more decorating techniques from books and internet resources. In 2010 I started a pastry apprenticeship, studying Retail Baking (Cake & Pastry) Certificate III at TAFE, which I completed with Distinction in 2012. I completed my apprenticeship in December 2013, and as of 2018 I am now working as a Cake Decorator at Designer Delights in Charlestown, NSW.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Third "Christmas & More" Class

I wasn't too impressed with Tuesday night's class... I'm re-doing pretty much everything we did at home.  We started making our gelatine snow-globes for next week, then did plaques with patchwork cutters.  My gelatine wouldn't dissolve and was full of lumps and bubbles, and I had a shocker with the patchwork.  After a trip to Cupid's yesterday, I re-made my snow-globe (still took 3 attempts and wasted a lot of gelatine), and I bought a plaque cutter and the "Santa, Sleigh & Reindeer" patchwork cutter.  The plaques that Marilyn made for us to work on in class weren't what you'd call impressive, and after looking at the Patchwork Cutter web site myself, I found that she hadn't even taught us the proper techniques for using them.  I was tempted to throw my hands in the air and write off the rest of this course, but for my own peace of mind, I need to re-do the things we were meant to do to prove to myself that I can do it.

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