Newcastle, NSW, Australia
I’m a former industrial chemist, and after deciding on a career change while at home with my two young children, I’m now a qualified pastry chef and cake decorating enthusiast. In 2009 I started taking some classes in cake decorating and other pastry-related cookery, and taught myself many more decorating techniques from books and internet resources. In 2010 I started a pastry apprenticeship, studying Retail Baking (Cake & Pastry) Certificate III at TAFE, which I completed with Distinction in 2012. I completed my apprenticeship in December 2013, and as of 2018 I am now working as a Cake Decorator at Designer Delights in Charlestown, NSW.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Ruby Anniversary Cake

Hurrah! I’ve stopped and started on this cake more times than I can remember, but it’s finally finished. The decoration isn’t exactly what I’d originally planned to do on it, but thankfully it’s a cake that I offered to make and didn’t have to be made to an specific design, although the main design elements were loosely based on Mum and Dad’s own wedding cake.

I definitely need to find out how to properly wire a crescent-shaped spray before I try to do another cake like this. The final challenge was trying to get the two trailing sprays to sit on top of the cake and look like a crescent. I kept having to add more and more fondant underneath them trying to get them to 'sit right', and I’m still not confident that they are attached properly.

All in all, another cake decorating story draw to it’s conclusion with a happy-enough ending. I use that expression a lot, that I’m ‘happy enough’ with something… basically it means that I know it’s not the world’s greatest job, but I’ve done reasonably well for a beginner.

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